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STM32: how to use an nrf24l01 transceiver

Associate II
Posted on March 26, 2015 at 07:20

Hi to all,

I have two stm32f3 discovery with 1 nrf24L01 transceiver on each one.  I want to send a packet from one and receive this packet on the other one. Can someone help me? I have no idea. Thanks...
Associate II
Posted on October 11, 2015 at 13:48

I really wanna know, what part of code is BAD here and where I don't include files properly?

In C, .h files are included and there are also function declarations for ''public'' functions.

.c file is here to implement this functions as ONLY .c files are compiled!

So please, explain that to me, why this code is bad!

Associate II
Posted on October 12, 2015 at 22:31

thank you for your answer.

 I have the idea of what I need to do but the problem is that I can't find some examples about it. Sorry but this is my first time with a microcontroller.

I repeat, I have 2 stm32f3 discovery, 2 trans nrf24l01. I have to connect them and send packets. I also need to read the payload of the packet received.  I have no idea how to do this. I've written here becouse I thought to find someone that could help me.

Posted on October 12, 2015 at 23:24

There appear to be people who've done similar things, providing code and libraries

The stuff that's STM32 specific is the SPI pin and peripheral set up. Once you have the transport set up, information from other platform and chips, like Arduino, etc will have relevance and applicability. Nordic also has a data sheet.

Not sure there are any helper monkeys here, but the internets are full of resources. Tilen's posted his libraries, if you have specific issues with those I'm sure he can give some additional direction.

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