2013-05-22 12:53 PM
I'm starting to develop firmware to interface the ST7540 powerline communication modem. I have readhttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00063638.pdf
but I couldn't find a source code to download. Where can I find this?Thanks in advance,Kind regards,Daan Pape #st7540-powerline-transceiver2013-05-22 1:57 PM
Like most things, if you can't find the download for a stack or software library, it probably means ST wants a signed NDA, or other agreement in place. Contact your local ST rep or FAE.
2013-05-22 11:25 PM
Thank you for the information. I will contact my ST supplier. Kind regards,Daan Pape2013-11-20 8:40 AM
I have a problem: I haven't IAR project of SmartPlug firmware of STEVAL-IHP002V2 (this project should be provided according to UM1459)
I have seen the DVD provided but there isn't.
Can you help me?
2013-11-20 9:01 AM
Can you help me?
No, but I can reiterate my previous advice if that will help.