2018-06-14 2:28 PM
How to reproduce:
1) Use STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.21.0 (not tested on other versions)
2) Set up SDIO 1-bit mode with default parameters.
4) Set up FatFS with SDIO driver
with default parameters
.5) Set 'Use dma template'=enabled for SDIO (this is critical, bug does not exist in 'disabled' mode).
6) You need a microsd with file longer than sector size.
7) Use code:
FATFS SDFatFs; FIL TestFile; UINT BytesRead;uint8_t buffer[2048];
FRESULT res = f_mount(&SDFatFs, (char*)SDPath, 0); if (res==FR_OK) { res = f_open(&TestFile
, 'test.bin', FA_READ); if (res != FR_OK) while (1); }f_lseek(&
, 4); f_read(&TestFile
, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &BytesRead);8) Result: first 498 byte read correctly, then byte offset jumps 4 bytes back (exactly the value, used in f_lseek) and next data is read with broken offset.
Temporary fix:
2018-08-08 12:55 PM
Bumping off my feed