2017-09-27 12:08 AM
I am newbie to STM32 controllers.I have to select controller as per following spects.
1.Ethernet interface.
2.USB interface 4G module
3.SD card SPI interface.
4.UART interface.
6.i2c interface.
I need to get data from ethernet TCP.and store it on SD card and send it over USB-CDC(having 4 virtual com ports-AT command port and NMEA port are to be used in my application simultaneously).I want overall speed to be 1.5-2 Megabytes per sec(ethernet to USB speed)
Please suggest me any controller.
I have selected this controller.
STM32F765ZGT6 216 MHZ freq
It will be good to select controller having max operating frequency near to 500MHZ.
2017-09-27 1:36 AM
I recommend you to use the 'MCU Finder' tool:
application (mobile version, PC version or the one embedded in STM32CubeMX) it will help you to find the product that will fit your needs.RegardsImen
2017-09-27 1:43 AM
I can only find MCU from this application but will not get to know what will be approx ethernet and USB speed.
2017-09-27 5:17 AM
You might want to look into the datasheets of possible devices.
No one else here will take the blame for a wrong decision of yours.
Ask a tutor/colleague about your ideas and choices.
I have selected this controller.
STM32F765ZGT6 216 MHZ freq
It will be good to select controller having max operating frequency near to 500MHZ.
Well, the Cortex M world is not quite there, performance-wise.
Other vendors have higher clocked M7 devices, but are heavily engaged in merger&acquisition battles, with unknown prospective for their MCU portfolio.
Perhaps a Cortex A5 as alternative ?