2014-02-12 3:10 AM
Hello everybody.
I used STemWIN library with no OS, it works great. I try the RTOS example, but I found a strange bugs. Witout OS the bargraph and anti-analyzed text is working, but with OS not. In the example GUIConf.h, these example is not enable, I think bacause not working. Is anybody have any idea why, these example freeze with OS? Another question in the GUIConf.h have these lines:#ifdef OS_SUPPORT
#define GUI_OS (1) // Compile with multitasking support
#define GUI_OS (0)
I think if I use OS, need to define OS_SUPPORT, but in the example project, no definition for this. I try with define and not define, there is no change with the running. Anybody know what is the function for this?
2014-11-05 12:18 AM
Please verify that the used STemWin Library support OS .(ex : STemWin526_CM4_OS