2013-12-20 2:08 PM
Hi ;)
I finally get all the material for build my little expansion board. I have now 16Mb External SDRAM and a Direct VGA output. We can use a 512k x 16Bits SRAM too but is not necessary , i think with a total of 24Mb SDRAM we can do allot ;) Actually i am cleaning my code and i will post it when finished. Everything is working very well , i use a Wii Classic controller with I2C and 2 x TM1638 with 48 Buttons in SPI :) It's just bad that the SDIO port just have the D0 pin free, i use then my SD Card in 1 bit mode. The most difficult was to remade a graphics library , the ST example is so buggy that it was unusable :( So , for more info you can take a look here :https://sites.google.com/site/suprabotics/stm429-discovery-expansion-board-v2-0
Cheers. PS : i have see a Linux port for the st429 Disco board around , i think this expansion can help with the more memory ;) #gerber-file2014-01-06 12:25 AM
Hi , and , Happy new year ;)
I just have finish a workable version from my library for : VGA, SDRAM Expansion , SD Card, Wii classic controller, TM1638 7segment control with buttons (alloooot of button ! ) The source code will be posted here when i finish to clean it ... You can watch a little video here : Bye.2014-01-08 8:18 AM
I cleaned my code and sources + infos from the library are at :
Enjoy.2014-01-10 6:30 PM
2014-01-11 12:54 AM
It's the most asked question ;)
So , i have contact SeedStudio for know how you can get my board , i get this answer. //********************************************************************* Thank you for your support! We are glad your friends are also interested in Seeed PCB service. Everyone could have the board they want from Seeedstudio!:) If your friend want your board, is it possible for you to send them your Gerber file. They could use it to place order here:http://www.seeedstudio.com/service/index.php?r=site/pcbService
Consider to protect customer's privacy, we cannot sold your board directly, hope you understand. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks again for your support! That really means a lot to us. //********************************************************************* So , i attach the file to the post , so you can made it from SeedStudio or OpenPCB(they are slow) ... your choice. Cheers. PS : That is the PCB , you have to solder the components by yourself , some smd soldering skill will be good to have ;) ________________ Attachments : st429_top_exp_v2_5pcs_10by10.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzsd&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQb%2F_RUf4vVpAYqi7x2P9QiehyhjsKS00XHRnNO_co3b1go&asPdf=false2014-01-11 2:14 PM
Hi ,
I just finish to adapt the Sega Master System Emulator from Alessandro Rocchegiani. It work in VGA at 640 x 480. All info here : And as usual the source will be found here : Cheers.2014-12-30 6:46 PM
Should be interesting to see if you can execute code out of it :)
2014-12-31 1:18 AM
I think if you can do it with the st429 dev board you can do it with this one too.
The SDRAM Addr are :// FMC SDRAM Bank address
#define SDRAM_BANK1_ADDR ((uint32_t)0xC0000000)
#define SDRAM_BANK2_ADDR ((uint32_t)0xD0000000)
The Bank2 is the original st429 disco SDRAM
At Bank1 is the one i put on the expansion board.
I see somewhere on this forum that the SDRAM access is 6x slower than the
internal st429 memory , probably due to external access.
I use it for put picture , sprites ,array of data that are used for the VGA screen.
But for now i never have try to use external ram for execute code (i don't know how to do it ;) )
And if it's 6x slower i will then prefer keep my program in internal RAM and use the external
SDRAM for video and data that don't require high speed.
The code cleaning is actually not finished , when I'm finish with this i will post it here.