2015-01-07 12:40 AM
hi, im trying to connect a STM32F107VCT6 to flash it, but the st-linkv2 doesnt detect it.
I have conected pins:4--GROUND6--GROUND7--SWDIO---------------------------PIN 72 MICROCONTROLER8--GROUND9--SECLK---------------------------PIN 76 MICROCONTROLER10--GROUND12-- GROUND.14--GROUND16--GROUND18 --GROUND20--GROUNDbut still doesnt conect.PLEASE HELP!!!Its says that has no power supply detected and either doesnt detect the stm32 too. #stm32f107vct6-no-detection2015-01-07 4:19 AM
Its says that has no power supply detected and either doesnt detect the stm32 too.
That would be because you need to provide the target system supply via pin 1 to power the interface/buffering logic on the External ST-LINK/V2. You might also consider connecting NRST. Be sure to select SWD connectivity, not JTAG.2015-01-07 6:07 AM
supply how much volts? from the micro controller? what pin?
THANK YOU!!!2015-01-07 6:43 AM
supply how much volts? from the micro controller? what pin?
It would be the 3V, 3.3V or whatever you're running the micro at. Pin 1 of the 20-pin header, the VDD of the STM32, you'd want to check the datasheet for the pinout of your device, which I don't have to hand. Make sure to connect both VDD and VDDA of your design, the analogue supply runs several things, including the power-on-reset circuit.2015-01-07 12:59 PM
hi, pin1 powerup and still nothing...
2015-01-07 1:24 PM
hi, pin1 powerup and still nothing...
Not much to go on there... Same messages, or different ones? Do you have something like a schematic? What voltage do you see on the NRESET/NRST pin?2015-01-07 2:28 PM
yes i have an schematic, send you by private post. ok?
2015-01-07 2:30 PM
2015-01-07 3:08 PM
the micro is autosupplied, so dont need 3.3 volts pin 1.
2015-01-07 3:18 PM
Well if you have BOOT0 strapped High, and access to USART1 via PA9/PA10 you could try to see if the system loader was responsive. Send 0x7F at 9600 8E1 and check for 0x79 response (RealTerm Hex Mode)
Other than that you'd want to make sure you have the JTAG header correctly pinned, ie not mirror or otherwise miss configured, and the cables at both ends are correctly orientated. The ARM standard is pin 1 is the TARGET reference supply, some people wire pin 1 and 2 to each other. I'd expect the ST-LINK/V2 to work either way, but I'd also expect it to report seeing a voltage. That is doesn't suggests either the header or cable is wrong. Also your pin usage would not permit JTAG connectivity, so you'd need to be sure to use SWD mode only.