2010-04-15 12:52 PM
ST-LINK read protection problem
2011-05-17 04:47 AM
The only tools I located to do this so far is the Segger J-Link using the JlinkSTM32.EXE program. I typically use U-Link's, and the weren't any good at resolving the ROP setting.
-Clive2011-05-17 04:47 AM
The internal bootloader can do this. Do you have access to the BOOT0 and BOOT1 and USART1 pins?
Set BOOT1=1, BOOT0=0. Send with 115200,8,E,1 the bytes 0x7F, 0x92, 0x6D. Then ROP is disabled and flash is erased. I am using iSystem winIDEA + iC5000. I can set and reset ROP over SWD/Trace.