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ST-Link Connection error�

Associate II
Posted on November 07, 2012 at 15:20

I'm a student of University of Catania and I'm using IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM, v. 6.21, 32K Kickstart Edition on WIndows 7, for an university project to program a STM32F100XB board (using SWD Interface)

It worked all but a day, trying to flash a program it gave me the following errors:

- Fatal error: ST-Link Connection error Session aborted!

- Failed to load flash loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.0 Kickstart\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F10xxxRAM6K.out

- Failed to load flash loader: C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.0 Kickstart\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F100xB.flash

Can you help me undestanding why and fixing it?

Thank you,

Best Regards

Amedeo Merlo

Edit: Stm32vl discovery board

#stm32f100 #stm32-st-link-swd
Associate II
Posted on October 18, 2014 at 01:52

I had this same problem and managed to track it to a particular USB port on my PC. Changing cables and/or ports may have been the solution for OP.