2017-11-05 11:30 PM
I have been attempting to use the SPI2 peripheral to drive a flash memory chip using the LL drivers on an STM32L083RZ without success. Microcontroller is the master and flash memory the slave.
The following pins have been configured based on the information in DM00140762
SPI2_MISO - GPIOC, LL_GPIO_PIN_2, LL_GPIO_AF_2 SPI2_MOSI - GPIOC, LL_GPIO_PIN_3, LL_GPIO_AF_2It is this specific pin configuration I am having problems with, the standard examples for SPI appear to work correctly.
When using the SPI2 peripheral there is apparently no clock generated on Pin 13 of Port B (probed at the MCU pin using an oscilloscope), probing with an oscilloscope does show a sequence of logic level changes on pin 3 of Port C corresponding to the expected data being sent.
Due to time constraints it has been necessary to implement SPI over these pins by bit banging, this is working but loses the ability to use DMA transfers and interrupts. It would be very interested to know if there are limitations in mixing these specific pins with the SPI2 peripheral on the STM32L083RZ
2017-11-06 7:53 AM
Have you checked if you have same condition as described in the related errata sheet.
Otherwise, please try to provide some details in your post and share your configuration or ioc file, so that it will be easier to understand the issue.
Best Regards