2011-04-08 5:49 AM
SPI communication between two stm32f103 - Urgent Help
2011-05-17 5:31 AM
Master Slave
PC.4 ----------> SS_bar
MISO -----------> MISO
MOSI ----------> MOSI
SCK ----------> SCK Maybe: MISO -----------> MOSI MOSI ----------> MISO? A'm not sure here, but you can try...
2011-05-17 5:31 AM
No I think one-to-one wiring of MISO (MASTER IN, SLAVE OUT), etc is really the way to do it.
Personally, I'd suggest people use the library to avoid hours futzing around with register level debugging, but to each their own. If you're going to program it at this level, you'd better be prepared to debug it yourself, rather than asking others to URGENTLY comb over this kruft. If you think you might have a USART problem, output some data/string upon entry to the program to confirm it is working. If using the registers, you really should be worried about initial conditions and not randomly OR data into them. Either write an initial value, or mask the current content.