2014-03-05 06:14 PM
Hi, I use speex encoding with Stm32f407VG microcontrollers follows application note ''Vocoder demonstration using a Speex audio codec on STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx microcontrollers'' but differrent: I use an codec IC to ADC and DAC. I take library on sample code for stm32f103xx into stm32f407's project. I use functions: speex_encode_int, speex_bits_write, speex_bits_read_from, speex_decode_int to test encode and decode function. ADC and DAC is 8khz on Codec. Then the equal is, - The quality is very bad, I cannot hear human voice. I would like to ask the quality of Speex encoding on Stm32? Is it really good or have someting wrong with mine? - Are there any compression voice library on stm32f407. My voice stream is 64kbp and I need to compress as small as it can. Thanks you so much.,
2014-03-06 01:22 AM
''ADC and DAC is 8khz on Codec. Then the equal is, - The quality is very bad,
'' Are you saying that the ADC is sampling at 8KHz? That would be the reason for poor audio performance - I doubt it is the codec. CD quality is around 24Khz Telephone is around 3Khz2014-03-06 02:05 AM
The quality is very bad, I cannot hear human voice.
Then you probably did something wrong. A 4kHz bandwidth is enough for things like phone encoding. Remember, the AM radio in former time (and up to now) has a similiar bandwidth. Try to apply test signals (say, 0.5kHz, 1kHz, 4kHz sinus wave), and check the output.
2014-03-06 02:14 AM
2014-03-06 02:24 AM
Checking the Speex webpage reveals that:
- Speex itself is obsolete, and encourages one to use Opus instead; - wideband (16kHz) and ultra-wideband (32kHz) compressions are available; - builds by default with floating point; I assume you need to build your project with FPU support (abi=softfp or abi=hard), otherwise you might get performance problems. Alternatively, you could try the fixed-point variant. Edit: If your project is based on a F1xx application note, it surely ignores floating point. And if you use external ADC/DACs, make sure the performance requirements are met.