2017-11-20 5:04 AM
hello every body , now i could establish connection with my sp1ml using uart and i can communicate between two sp1ml just with hyperterminal using AT COMMANDS after downloading the standart firmware !!
now i need to bring that to my application using stm32f103C8 or CB for exemple ,
i found the xcube ghrtz library spirit1,
as i see it is just for stm32L series ?? because i need to establish a network concentrator +router+meter?
1-can you advice me for this library i read the docs many times but i want to be sure can i use this library for stm32f103 series or just for stm32L????please give me a net answer .
2-how can i increase the distance range with AT COMMANDS which parameter should i play on ??
2018-02-11 8:41 PM
Hello ,
If you want to use SPIRIT1 IC with STM32F103xx, portig will be needed.
Where as SP1ML, needs only UART interface, SO in this case no porting is needed.