2015-08-19 11:18 AM
I made a PCB with a STM32F429IGT6 (f429 176 pins) and I want to test it but... I cannot flash my stm. I've tried many things and I'm started to think I might have missed something so if some experienced stm32f4 users could take a look at my stuff and tell me if anything's wrong that would be pretty awesome. Here are some details about my board. I soldered everything myself but tested many pins and there is no evidence of shorts or whatever. Everything seems fine on the PCB. I have connected my stm32 to the st link device this way: - VCC and GND of course - SWCLK on SYS_JTCK-SWCLK (137/PA14) - SWDIO on SYS_JTMS-SWDIO (127/PA13) - TRACESWO on SYS_JTDO-SWO (161/PB13) - NRST on NRST (31) [NB: there's no pull and no pull down on NRST]. About the �C, I have more or less copied the stm32f429i-disco schematics (see below).2015-08-19 11:35 AM
Don't see the BYPASS_REG pin (pin 48) in you schematic, where is it connected to?
Vcap1 is not pin 71 but 81. Vcap2 is not pin 106 but 125. Vref is not pin 32...... Check the rest yourself or post the used schematic.2015-08-19 11:40 AM
Right, sorry, I left Bypass floating. Should I connect it to something?
The piece of schematics you see is extracted from the stm32f429-disco schematics, hence the pin numbers are not correct (but they are correct on my board of course).2015-08-19 12:12 PM
Both VCAP pins should be outputting 1.25V, if they are not the internal regulator is not functioning, or you have the part orientated incorrectly.
Without the 1.25V running the core, nothing is going to talk to you or function on the device.2015-08-19 12:18 PM
BYPASS_REG should be grounded.
2015-08-19 12:42 PM
I'm 99.99% sure my stm is orientated correctly (I double checked just in case).
Ohhhh I'll try to put BYPASS_REG to GND asap and keep you posted (I can't until tomorrow, damn). ''On packages embedding the BYPASS_REG pin, the regulator is enabled by holding BYPASS_REG low.'' How the hell did I miss that... Anyway thanks and see you later!2015-08-20 03:24 AM
It works!! I knew I had missed something...
You can see my crappy solution here hehe: