2009-08-05 2:02 AM
simple LED blinking issue
2011-05-17 4:19 AM
Hi, I am interning at a start-up and recently designed and did the layout for my first board. I used a STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller and IAR C kickstart to do the firmware. I was trying to adapt the code for the STM32 evaluation board to my board, but with no luck. I am looking for some really simple code to toggle an LED. Comments would be appreciated, but just something simple using the raw registers would be awesome. If someone could provide me with that I would be very appreciative.
you could email me at: george[dot]melcer[at]liquidr[dot]com Thank You, George2011-05-17 4:19 AM
I was trying to adapt the code for the STM32 evaluation board...
Did you have the code working on the evaluation board first?Quote:
...to my board, but with no luck.
What, exactly, did you try? What debugging did you do - in particular, are you sure that your hardware is working?Quote:
I am looking for some really simple code to toggle an LED.
Surely, IAR must provide that with their evaluation board??2011-05-17 4:19 AM
George, we don't know anything about your board or what it is and isn't doing or what code you've tried so how can we help you?