2018-11-04 10:57 PM
Is there a cmsis driver for uart ?
I build with stm32cubemx, but I did not find any cmsis files for any driver (I also don't see in cube anywhere we can state that we want to use cmsis driver)
I also did not find it in examples of stm32cubeh7:
Thank you,
2018-11-05 1:50 AM
2018-11-06 3:05 AM
The CMSIS "driver" just DECLARES the USART access configuration - function/variable/flags names, driver structure - suggesting NO code to work with the peripheral. You should IMPLEMENT - write the code of - the declared functions, fill the "empty" functions in. When using KEIL, you'll find the templates under
You can use CubeMX functions for a certain STM CPU to implement the needed driver functions.
2018-11-18 12:24 AM
Sorry for long silence.
I think that Cube not include CMSIS for UART. You need download CMSIS library from Keil site (see link) and include this driver into own project self.
There are own drivers for UART into Cube (see file stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c)