2014-07-16 11:12 AM
Hello All,
I was trying to write and read data from SDRAM on the STM32f429- Discovery board.I was able to write data to the SDRAM but the read operation was not working.I used the STM32Cube Mx utility to generate the initialization code.I started comparing the initialization code with the one which are in the BSP libraries and the FMC example which comes with the STM32CubeF4.I noticed that the Speed of the GPIO which were used for SDRAM were set to ''LOW'' when STM32CubeMx generated the initialization code. But they were set to ''HIGH'' in the BSP libraries.As simple as it looks, I think speed is critical when reaading data from SDRAM and this can be easily overlooked.ST should correct this in the next update of the HAL libraries because the read operation doesn't work without it. #discovery #stm32f4 #!bug #sdram2014-07-21 10:07 AM
2014-07-22 10:12 AM
Please find the .ioc file attached. I checked the GPIO settings in the configuration and found that the FMC gpio speed is set to low for all. Can't be this be set to ''high'' by default whenever the fmc is enabled? If I'm doing any mistake in the configuration please correct me. Thanks, Dhaval. ________________ Attachments : SDRAM_DMA_TRY_071414.ioc : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0zu&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bgk%2FQSoB2xv7AhxpsR_DVbY4QvjoXjxsZ6E1ZRnKm1fmDYU&asPdf=false2014-07-28 7:51 AM
I confirm the default settings in MX for FMC SDRAM GPIO speed is High. You can easily update your current project with the proper GPIO speed settings: from the Configuration tab, select all FMC GPIO rows and change the speed at once. Best regards2014-07-31 4:41 AM
Thank you parikh.dhaval.
Your observation was very helpful.