2014-06-09 6:33 PM
I would like to put my heap in SDRAM on the STM32F429 Eval board but I don't see the options to do so. I tried the STMCubeMX tools but also did not see any options for this. I am using the IAR EWARM tools.
Thanks2014-06-09 9:04 PM
Ok, so see if there is any information about the heap and allocator, and if you have to make some changes in the .ICF to describe the memory placements to the linker. Make sure you have initialized the SDRAM in SystemInit(), or prior to the IAR C Runtime start up code.
2014-06-10 7:35 AM
You can follow the:Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Examples\FMC\ FMC_SDRAM_DataMemory example found under the STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.1.0 package. It guides you through the different configuration steps by mean of HAL APIto use the MT48LC4M32B2B5-7 SDRAM mounted on STM324x9I-EVAL as data memory( including heap and stack). You have to uncomment the following line if you need to use external SDRAM mountedon STM324x9I_EVAL board as data memory, within the system_stm32f4xx.c file:#define DATA_IN_ExtSDRAM
With regards.
2016-03-14 7:16 AM
can anyone tell me where the start adress (and the size?) of the sdram is defined?I mean the two values to put to the linker file? I think it should correspond to values given in the BSP_SDRAM_Init? Note i have no config file for CubeMx nor can i re-generate the bsp code at the moment. Should be possible to get this start adress from the code easily? Or how to decide which values to put there? (Sorry for my noobness)Thanks in advance- kmb2016-03-14 7:32 AM
The version of the demo project i use is 20150326\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.5.0
and it does not contain a custom linker script. So it can not work, right.And it doesnt: the aTable pointer shall be 0xC00xxxxx but it is 0x0.Anyone knows a reference version of the sample project to use? I will try some other versions.Kind regards,kmb2016-03-15 3:26 AM
Ok it's working. The Memory size can be found on the memory specification. The board layout in the eval board user manual lists the type of memory.
The base adress i got from some source sample found in the internet. But i still wonder where it is defined in the specs or in the code.