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Associate II
Posted on September 06, 2009 at 03:51


Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:55

Could you please send your most recent FAT source code. I am playing arround with STM32F103ZE eval board and IAR EW and would realy love trying SDIO with FAT.



Associate II
Posted on June 21, 2011 at 21:35

I have a have been reading and downloading files trying to get FatFS to work on an SD card with an SDIO interface, and have had no success.   Everything looks like it is about to work up until I try to read or write a file.  I saw this post and was looking for your attached project.  I wanted to see if you did anything different from what I am doing, but  I do not see your attached project.  Can you please attach/reattach the project?  


Posted on June 21, 2011 at 22:55

Please be aware that the bulk of this thread is from 2009, and several forum updates and crashes ago.

All of the attachments will likely have been lost in the 17-May-2011 meltdown, and members are not going to get email notifications this thread has been tickled.

Suggest you track down specific posters, on other forums, via Google, etc.
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Associate II
Posted on June 25, 2011 at 17:39

I've attached a project which has fat working. It works on STM32103E eval board. Sorry it's just a snapshot of my current project so there is quite a bit of code there. Also don't believe the menu names or titles, they do some weird temporary testing stuff.

Look at the SD menu stuff, it copies to image from the SD card using FAT.

//make sure #FASTFAT isn't defined. That's just for a massive speed boost, but assumes the files aren't fragmented.


Attachments : :
Associate II
Posted on June 27, 2011 at 14:14

Hi Mike,

First of all if you are going to use STM32F103VC, then you could not use SDIO as connectivity line does not have SDIO interface.

I too have source code for EFSL + SPI-SD. And presently porting EFSL for SDIO on Mangusta for an application.

Posted on August 07, 2011 at 19:04

Associate II
Posted on March 14, 2012 at 16:38

Dear Mr. Afi,

I wonder if you could help me.

I want to implement and SDbootloader using a uSD card via SDIO, using a STM32F4 device.

After some long hours of reading and downloading information, and examples, I haven't find nothing that could help me.

You say you have attached your whole example but I can't find it anywhere. If couldn't provide me the project, a decision that I understood, could you give me some lights? To start in the same direction as you, I've downloaded the STM3210E-EVAL board firmware from

. Under the \STM3210E-EVAL_FW_V2.0.0\Project\Demo\src directory I have the sdcard.c file, for SDIO datatransfer. I have also download the STM32F4DISCOVERY firmware from

. Under \STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Utilities\Third_Party\ directory you have the diskio.c, fatime.c, and the ff.c file.

At this point, I would ask you what more is required (files and code) to read/write a file from the main.c? What need I to develop to make it working?

Thank you for your attention,

Best regards,


Posted on March 14, 2012 at 20:22

You say you have attached your whole example but I can't find it anywhere.

Can we please STOP dreading this thread up, it is from 2009, none of the attachments have survived the numerous ports and crashes of the forum.

The original attachments and respondents are long gone, and were using STM32F1 hardware. For examples of STM32F4 card drivers start by looking over the code in the FW library for the assorted eval boards supporting cards in SPI or SDIO modes.

If you have a new question please start a new thread. Calling on ghosts of forums past will not get the results you desire, the stuff, as best I can tell is lost.

ST Moderators, please close/lock this thread, or find/retrieve the attachments.

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Posted on February 22, 2013 at 08:47


You said, the whole project is attached. I cann't find your attachment.

Can you say me where your project is attached.

with regard

Posted on February 22, 2013 at 09:22

You said, the whole project is attached. I cann't find your attachment. Can you say me where your project is attached. with regard

Honestly, Just stop it already.

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