2015-12-08 1:02 PM
According to AN4207 page 10, in Single ended zero ref mode the max input voltage to the ADC is Vref/gain.2015-12-08 5:29 PM
Yes. Your homework assignment is to read the device data sheet and report back what the abbreviation ''TTa'' stands for. For your graduation thesis, report back why the lowest gain is 0.5. Cheers, Hal2015-12-08 6:26 PM
Well that's the whole point why I'm asking as TTa/TC pins only allow up to 4.0V as absolute maximums.
The thought behind the question though is, whether that only applies to AFTER the 0.5 gain as that is what AN4207 implies ... Nice comments about homework and graduating btw. That stuff surely helps to keep the thread on topic.2015-12-09 12:19 AM
Absolute Maximum trumps everything else.
As the Datasheet note tells you, ''VIN maximum must always be respected. Refer to Table 20: Current characteristics for the maximum allowed injected current values.'' The ADC inputs are described as 3.3V tolerant with an Absolute Maximum range of Input voltage on TTa pins (VSS − 0.3) .. 4.0 Volts. Setting Gain to 0.5 does not give you greater electrical input voltage range!2015-12-09 11:05 AM
That's exactly what I wanted to know. Will go for an LTC2452 then :)