2014-08-29 3:00 PM
Dear Sir / Miss
I need the screen look length>width, need to rotate screen 90 degree. Please help #ask-smarter-questions2014-08-30 8:51 PM
Please help
2014-08-31 2:54 AM
So should we infer what chip, board, and library you're using?
GUI_SetOrientation(GUI_SWAP_XY | GUI_MIRROR_Y);2014-09-22 2:10 PM
Dear Clive1,
I am using STM32F429i_Disco. Try the following code, it does not work: GUI_SetOrientation(GUI_SWAP_XY|GUI_MIRROR_X); GUI_DispStringAt(''Input completed'', 2, 210); GUI_DispDecAt(EfactP*Height*100, 6,20,6); Please help.