2011-12-03 10:17 AM
Can anybody tell me where is the reset# pin (T_JRST) on the SWD header? I can see only these 4 pins: 1 connected to GND with 10K 2 T_JTCK 3 T_JTMS 4 GND T_JRST is connected to the Discovery MCU only.http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/USER_MANUAL/CD00267113.pdf
, page 22. Thank you!2011-12-03 2:22 PM
Which is why a lot of us don't care to reduce the pin count that much.
If you don't want a big header at least place test points for the JTAG pins and resets, these can be probe-able pads, or edge castelations. The 0.05'' pitch 10-pin header standard is much the preferred method http://support.code-red-tech.com/CodeRedWiki/CM3_SWD