2014-12-05 10:06 AM
I'm trying to send data over I2S3 while simultaenously receiving data from I2S2. Yes, I know about the full duplex ability, but my plan is to receive two stereo channels while send out one stereo channel. My board is STM32F439I-EVAL2. I have an external STEVAL-MKI126V2 board, which I want to use without a Windows-controlled board such asSTEVAL-MKI138V1, so I need to provide the clock myself. I have removed R265 and disconnected CN5 as suggested by the documentation for disconnecting the other hardware from PC9. (I have not yet tried what happens if I let the controller board drive the clock.) I'm trying to send a 12.288MHz clock over MCO2 output to STA321MP and I almost succeed in that with HSE=25M, I2SN=258, I2SR=5 and MCO2DIV=3 giving me .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 div, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 table, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 thead, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 tbody, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 tfoot, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 tr, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 th, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 td, .ExternalClass293CC37BE82D4E89903D883BDF3C9032 p {font-family:''Liberation Sans'';font-size:x-small;} 12285814. So this might be part of my problem, the frequency isn't exact. (I can hit it more exactly, but I figured it might be a good idea to have the desired frequencies vary from the optimal one for MCO and I2S3CK by the same amount.) However, my actual problem is this: when I start receiving the properly timed signal from STA321MP, I2S3 clock signal starts getting glitches, as seen in the picture below (channel 5), even though I don't see how receiving from I2S2 would affect sending on I2S3 in this way: