2015-06-29 07:33 AM
I'm trying to reboot the board using NVIC_RESET, but its not working, when i traversed the i found that the NVIC_RESET is internally setting SYSRESETREQ bit in SCB->AIRCR register. when i dig into arm info-center i understood there are two ways to do the reset 1) setting SYSRESETREQ bit in SCB->AIRCR (reset the CM4 + other soc parts) 2) setting VECTRESET bit in SCB->AIRCR (reset only CM4 core) when i tried option 1) it not working and it moves to next line which is __DSB() and then to while loop when i tried option 2) then the arm core reset is happening. so i want to know is there any problem with hardware or software, little more observations did >>when i toggle the reset pin of mcu its rebooting >>when i force the watchdog to trigger its not working. i want to know few pointers so that i can move forwared. i have another board, its working fine (stm32f415) Am i missing any configuration, pll configuration, pin configuration etc..... and FYI the BOOT0 is grounded, and BOOT1 is unused. Appreciation in advance ;) Thanks, Mani2015-06-29 08:18 AM
Are you driving the NRST pin externally with a push-pull driver? If so, then don't