2017-06-20 7:41 AM
Hello dear ST programmer!
At least one month I`m trying to implement gps neo-6m module with my inemo-discovery board and I really get nothing, i have already implemented altimeter and it is works good now I need to read gps data. If someone can help me I will be pleased.
please help me.
2017-06-20 8:13 AM
The NEO-6M should output NMEA sentences at 9600 8N1 via it's TX pin into an STM32 USART RX pin.
>> I really get nothing
Not really very illuminating about what your code is doing, how and to what the connectivity is implemented.
2017-06-20 1:48 PM
Thanks for your prompt respond.
The main idea to implement program using ChibiOS for iNemo-Discovery board to read data from
internal(thermometer, barometer and pressure sensor) and
external(altimeter and GPS).I have already implemented all of them except GPS, because I really have no idea how to do this using ChibiOS.
2017-06-20 6:51 PM
Here's a demo project for the stm32f103.
If you use it with an rtos, you should probably send back data through a queue from the ISR to a receiving task.
The demo uses the nmea library that can be found here:
Demo project is here:
Hope this helps
2017-06-20 7:09 PM
Have you ever read any data on your serial port? Even loopback?
Are you using C? Are you using stdio functions? Have you written the shim to connect the UART into the stdio functions?
Which compiler are you using? Which toolset?
So many questions.
Andrei from The Great White North
2017-06-21 7:20 AM
Thanks for your respond.
I will try to implement according to your demo project.
Thank you☺
2017-06-21 7:43 AM
Dear Mr Andrei,
Thanks for your respond.
Yes I have. I can read data(Temperature and Atmospheric pressure) on my serial port using terminal window.
I am using 'C', Chibi Studio 17 based on Eclipse 'Luna'
Code that I already implemented
Thank you☺