2011-07-27 3:42 AM
I am trying to upload the flash code using Y Modem protocol via Hyperterminal.
But i am getting an error saying, ''The image size is higher than the allowed space memory!''. The target is STM32F100C8 - where the Flash memory - 64KB and SRAM - 8KB Then i had checked the memory consumed in the map file and found the below, Grand Total: 23 488(flash) 2 164(RO) 4 801(RW) This error arises when the code size is greater than 25KB. If the code size less than 25KB, then the code can be uploaded without any error. Not sure where the problem exactly is.2011-07-27 3:47 AM
Isn't the answer to search for ''The image size is higher than the allowed space memory!'' in the code that receives the YMODEM file or am I mising someting? Is the code that receives the YMODEM file a bootloader? Is it a bootloader you have developed/copied/tweaked?
Regards Trevor2011-07-27 3:53 AM
Its the IAP bootloader from STM..
I have just used the IAP bootloader from STM and didnt do any alteration.2011-07-27 5:48 AM
At least as of V3.2.0 the define FLASH_SIZE is controlled in common.inc, and checked in ymodem.c
You have the source code, I suggest you examine it. Check on what platform/cpu defines the IDE is passing into the compiler. I'd look at the most current version, but I could only find PDF's for AN2557 in a quick search. ST's site is frustratingly organized.