2015-03-08 07:51 AM
what does the symbol '' -> '' mean in KEIL MDK?
RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_GPIOAEN; also list of all syntax symbols used in KEIL MDK. I am trying to do one project in ARM Cortex M0(STM32F0 R8). please help me. #rtfm-lmgtfy2015-03-08 08:02 AM
It means the same thing in Keil as it does in every C compiler.
Pointer to a Structure.http://www.studytonight.com/c/pointers-to-structure-in-c.php
The RCC structure is at a specific address in the Cortex's memory space. The structure is broken down into registers.Review the include files, in the file/tree view click on the [+] to see the dependencies of a specific C file.2015-03-09 05:56 AM
Thank you,
The tutorial link was very help full. I understood the pointers to structure well. thank you.2015-03-09 06:21 AM
You should also be able to right-click on variables/functions and ''Go to definition''