2016-02-08 12:02 AM
I try to use bit-banding feature in a STM32F303 uC on GPIO registers (exactly to change mode of a pin in MODER register). But as I see, all GPIO registers in that uC are on addresses which starts with 0x48...... Does that mean that I cannot use bit-banding here, because bit-banding region is only between 0x40000000-0x400FFFFF? Thanks2016-02-08 12:42 AM
Bitband on STM32F3 can be used on GPIO. Check address ranges. AHB2 not support bitband
2016-02-08 1:12 AM
On STM32F303 GPIOs are on AHB2. So, then bit-banding here is not possible?
2016-02-08 1:58 AM
Yes. Only AHB1 and all APB can be bitbanded.
Please check in RM bitband region address.