2013-09-05 05:11 PM
Hello guys,
I have a question for : Question for STM32 USB Full Speed Device Library V2.2.1 How can I use SD card on Mass_storage demos ? is it connected via SPI or SDIO ? or I can choose ? and how can I connect my USB to it ? where can I find the configuration for it ? I have PA11 and PA12 connected to USB port. Thanks a lot2013-09-13 08:32 AM
2013-09-13 08:43 AM
Is it possible for me using SPI interface ?
There are opportunities to do it many ways, you'll need to figure out what's appropriate for you, or try some existing boards/solutions to see it work. I would recommend implementing and testing the card reading code independently of USB, and then reintegrate the two. Tackle the problem in small bites so you don't choke.2013-09-26 06:48 AM
so try using SPI then connect via UART as my interface ?
2013-09-26 08:17 AM
Or just write a test app to exercise the SDCard via SPI, you could output diagnostic information via USART, SWV or LEDs as required.