2015-12-16 3:06 AM
We are having difficulty programming the external NOR flash on the STM32F7 Eval board from the STLink utility - it appears to be a programming timing issue.It will program from 0x60000000 to say 0x600069D0 ok, then pop up with Programming Error @ 0x600069D0.The .hex file should end at 0x60010E40Each time programming fails, it has stopped at around the 0x60006000 mark.We have altered the .hex file to start at 0x60020000 and that still fails after around 25KbytesWe have updated to latest stlink firmware and updated to latest ST-Link utility.We have erased the STM32 chip.From ST-Link utility we have selected the external loader for the STM32F7.Erasing sectors works ok.We have tried the USB STlink on the EVal board and also an ST-Link/V2 on the Jtag header - neither will program the external flash.Programming the internal flash is fine and has been working OK for weeks.Any suggestions ?Thanks #stm32-nor-flash2015-12-17 5:45 AM
2015-12-17 10:39 AM
2015-12-17 12:26 PM
I am tempted to add another empty post... :)
Can't this be some power supply issue? How do you power the board? Can you try some alternative means? JW2015-12-17 9:38 PM
I have now solved the problem :)JP5 on the eval board was not set correctly. This meant that FMC-NWAIT was not connected to the memory controller.Thanks for everyone who replied.