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Problems with ST-link

Associate II
Posted on July 21, 2010 at 08:28

Problems with ST-link

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:59

I´ve got the solution.

In IAR IDe you can load the code in DEBUG or in RELEASE mode.

If you choose the first one, you only load the code in ST-link, so when you remove the ST-link the code doesn´t run because any code had been loaded into the micro.

If you choose the second one, you load the code in the micro.

To configure both, you must to click on Project/options to configure both modes.

For debug mode you must to tell the compiler wher to find in linker tab


For release mode you must to tell the compiler wher to find in linker tab


In release mode you must to tell the compiler in C/C++ Compiler/prepocessor tab in defined symbols(one per line) : EMB_FLASH