2016-06-27 4:05 AM
Hi all,
I'm developing an application with the stm32f103r8t6 where I've to reset the micro by CAN Bus and sometimes by pressing an external switch.To do that, I've written the following code:RST_st = GPIO_ReadInputDataBit (GPIOA, PI_RST);
...if ((!RST_st) || CAN_Reset ())
{ Delay_ms (1000); // Delay of 1s if (!RST_st) { CAN_Tx_Reset_Cond (); } NVIC_SystemReset (); } ...int CAN_Reset (void)
{ CAN_Receive (CAN1, CAN_FIFO0, &RxMessage); if (RxMessage.ExtId == CAN_ID_EXT_RST) { return 1; } else { return 0; }}The code works fine when I reset the micro using the switch, but when the instruction arrives via CAN this only works the first time. After this, the conditionRxMessage.ExtId == CAN_ID_EXT_RST
always appears to be true when it isn't. Do you have any idea about how to solve this porblem??Thanks and regards,David #nvic_systemreset #can-bus #stm32