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problem with generation of sine wave

Associate II
Posted on March 09, 2013 at 14:29

Hello, I am trying to generate sinusoid signal via DAC. I can´t use look up table of sine values, because user will enter amplitude. So values of sine are first computed in program and than stored in buffer:

sine[i] = (sin(2*PI*i/number_of_samples)+1)*((amplitude+1)/2);

But it isn´t generate anything. It is very strange because values are stored correctly. There is some problem with sine function. When I delete sin(), DAC works. Do you know why it doesn´t work with computing sin(x)? Thank you for answeres.
Posted on March 09, 2013 at 14:59

Ok, so what data is actually generated?

Can you show the complete loop, with variables?

Is it a problem with int vs float/double variables, and conversion/casting?
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Posted on March 09, 2013 at 16:43


I generate sine wave(in the the audio frequency range), using pre-calculated 1024 point

table in flash. To edit the output amplitude i just multiply/devide each sample by a float

value. Although i am using external DAC, i think same technique should work on the

internal one.

Regards, Chris

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III
Posted on March 09, 2013 at 23:19

''I can´t use look up table of sine values, because user will enter amplitude''

Of course you can  use a lookup table - it's just a matter of applying the appropriate scale factor to get the requested amplitude!!
Associate III
Posted on March 17, 2013 at 14:46

Dear Pavel,

You might find a chapter on DDS (16th from the top) at

