2008-04-24 8:45 PM
Problem with Flash Loader Demonstrator application
2011-05-17 3:31 AM
I am using Flash Loader Demonstrator app and have noticed that it works fine if used with 'normal' COM port, but I am having problems when using it with USB-serial adapter: 80% of the time I get ''cannot start BL...'' message.
Since my laptop does not have built-in COM port, is there a way to set-up the USB adapter so it works without any problems? [ This message was edited by: niksa.orlic on 23-04-2008 20:46 ]2011-05-17 3:31 AM
In our company we have many problems with that USB to Serial Adapters. We have different types of different manufacturers. Some are working fine and others do not work work with some apps. We found out that some USB/Serial adapters are not able to create ''non-standard'' baud rates, so that could be a problem. We build our own USB/Serial converters with the FT232RL USB UART IC and tested it with the Flash Loader demonstrator tool, it works really fine.