2013-06-11 04:02 AM
I'm trying to use FLD v2.6.0 with STM32F407ZG rev Z. No problem to connect, uploading an image written by SWD works most of the time, erasing and downloading gives mixed error messages such as for example that erase isn't supported by the device. Disabling protection is hit or miss.Are these known problems? Are these user (me) problems? I have had very few problems with earlier versions of FLD and STM32F103.Any hints?Now I will copy this text to the clipboard before I submit it so I don't have to retype it again. #stm32f407-flash-loader-demo2013-11-06 06:13 AM
A version problem with the Flash Loader Demonstrator ?
I would contact STor one of their FAEs, they are in the know, and should have a vital interest in keeping their commercial customers. I have not yet made bad experiences with ST support (commercially, though STM8 related).2013-11-06 06:38 AM
Not sure I can help you with screen shots, it really tells you nothing about the nature of the failure. You're going to need to instrument and debug the Windows App to understand the nature of the failure. You could perhaps use an RS232 monitoring application to see what kind of data and interaction is occurring. That and try the command line app.
Here we worked on programming the STM32 at the protocol level.2013-11-06 07:06 AM
Dear all,
You need just to increase the Timeout in the first window using the combo-box , please put 30 seconds at least. as F4 and F2 Flash sectors are different from F1 series and Erase time is larger. See our datasheets. Cheers, STOne-32.2013-11-07 06:54 AM
, I will try this and I really hope this is a solution. It would make my day.2013-11-07 07:02 AM
clive1: We have done similar things. Both for USART and CAN on connectivity line devices. If I can't get the ''flash loader demo'' to work reliably I will let the bootloader patch itself first and then patch the application. The bootloader will be downloaded using SWD. Maybe we will write our own ''flash loader demo'' some time.