2024-10-11 11:16 AM
I'm trying to set the polynomial for the CRC block and having some difficulty. I want to set the CRC block to compute a CRC-32K (Reversed Koopman) over my data.
Here are the details
CRC-32K (reversed Koopman polynomial) - 0xEB31D82E
Input data - 0x31, 0x32, . . ., 0x39
I expect the resulting CRC to be 0x2D3DD0AE
How I setup my STMh755 CRC block
#define CRC_POLYNOMIAL_32B 0xeb31d82e
static const uint8_t aDataBuffer[] = {
0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39
/*##-1- Configure the CRC peripheral #######################################*/
CrcHandle.Instance = CRC;
/* The default polynomial is not used. It is required to defined it in CrcHandle.Init.GeneratingPolynomial*/
CrcHandle.Init.DefaultPolynomialUse = DEFAULT_POLYNOMIAL_DISABLE;
/* Set the value of the polynomial */
CrcHandle.Init.GeneratingPolynomial = CRC_POLYNOMIAL_32B;
/* The user-defined generating polynomial generates a
8-bit long CRC */
CrcHandle.Init.CRCLength = CRC_POLYLENGTH_32B;
/* The default init value is used */
CrcHandle.Init.DefaultInitValueUse = DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE_ENABLE;
/* The input data are not inverted */
CrcHandle.Init.InputDataInversionMode = CRC_INPUTDATA_INVERSION_NONE;
/* The output data are not inverted */
CrcHandle.Init.OutputDataInversionMode = CRC_OUTPUTDATA_INVERSION_DISABLE;
/* The input data are 32-bit long */
if (HAL_CRC_Init(&CrcHandle) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
/*##-2- Compute the CRC of "aDataBuffer" ###################################*/
uwCRCValue = HAL_CRC_Calculate(&CrcHandle, (uint32_t *)&aDataBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
A couple of issues:
1 - I get a return error from HAL_CRC_Init(). Why does HAL layer only allow ODD parity polynomials?
/* Ensure that the generating polynomial is odd */
if ((Pol & (uint32_t)(0x1U)) == 0U)
status = HAL_ERROR;
2 - Am I missing something in setting up the CRC block?
2024-10-11 12:17 PM
Mechanically I'm not sure the hardware has this limitation, it shouldn't need too.
Did some hackery that suggests it's not, where I did a 15-bit CRC/Polynomial
The hardware is LEFT shifting
The initial value would be 0xFFFFFFFF and the result inverted to get the solution, right shifting.
// Related to musings here
// https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-products/problem-w-setting-polynomial-for-crc/td-p/730403
// CRC-32K (reversed Koopman polynomial) - 0xEB31D82E
// Input data - 0x31, 0x32, . . ., 0x39
// I expect the resulting CRC to be 0x2D3DD0AE
// Copyright (C) 2024 Clive Turvey (aka Tesla DeLorean, sourcer32@gmail.com)
// All Rights Reserved
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
uint8_t data[] = {
0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39 };
uint32_t crc32k(uint32_t crc, size_t size, uint8_t *buffer)
int i;
crc ^= (uint32_t)*buffer++;
for(i=0; i<8; i++)
if (crc & 0x00000001)
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0xEB31D82E;
crc >>= 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
uint32_t crc;
crc = crc32k(0xFFFFFFFF, sizeof(data), data);
printf("%08X %08X\n", crc, ~crc);
Is suspect I can make the hardware work, but will take the polynomial being reversed, byte input reversed, answer reversed and inverted.
2024-10-11 12:59 PM - edited 2024-10-11 1:04 PM
I made the magic happen on a STM32G031 to hand..
In ST-Speak inversion means bit-reversal
void TestCRC(void) // sourcer32@gmail.com PayPal accepted.. gauge by man-hours saved
uint8_t test[] = { 0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39 }; // 0x2D3DD0AE
/* CRC handler declaration */
CRC_HandleTypeDef CrcHandle = {0};
/* CRC Peripheral clock enable */
/*##-1- Configure the CRC peripheral #######################################*/
CrcHandle.Instance = CRC;
/* The default polynomial is not used. It is required to defined it in CrcHandle.Init.GeneratingPolynomial*/
CrcHandle.Init.DefaultPolynomialUse = DEFAULT_POLYNOMIAL_DISABLE; // ST double-negative, use user supplied
/* Set the value of the polynomial */
CrcHandle.Init.GeneratingPolynomial = 0x741B8CD7; // 32-bit CRC-32-K, bit reversed 0xEB31D82E, hw left shifts, always
/* The user-defined generating polynomial generates a 32-bit long CRC */
CrcHandle.Init.CRCLength = CRC_POLYLENGTH_32B;
/* The default init value is not used */
CrcHandle.Init.DefaultInitValueUse = DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE_DISABLE; // ST double-negative
/* The used-defined initialization value */
CrcHandle.Init.InitValue = 0xFFFFFFFF; // 32-bit all set
/* The input data is inverted (bit-reversed) */
CrcHandle.Init.InputDataInversionMode = CRC_INPUTDATA_INVERSION_BYTE; // Bit swap byte end-to-end
/* The output data is inverted (bit-reversed)*/
CrcHandle.Init.OutputDataInversionMode = CRC_OUTPUTDATA_INVERSION_ENABLE;// Bit swap word end-to-end
/* The input data are 8-bit long */
if (HAL_CRC_Init(&CrcHandle) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* Note that I negate the response the hardware spins end-to-end */
printf("CRC-32-K %08X TEST 2D3DD0AE ?\n", ~HAL_CRC_Calculate(&CrcHandle, (uint32_t *)test, sizeof(test)));
2024-10-11 1:29 PM
@STOne-32 @STTwo-32 "Why does HAL layer only allow ODD parity polynomials?"
Case in point I can also do 24-bit and 15-bit CRC's where I do ALL the work in the high-order bits
2024-10-12 6:57 AM
Dear @Tesla DeLorean @BradWalker ,
Thank you for the interesting exchanges, the main is reason is simply because our specification / manual say it.
here an example of our reference manual for STM32G4 series : STM32G4 series advanced Arm<Sup>®</Sup>-based 32-bit MCUs - Reference manual ,
Go to Page 456/2138 from Manual revision 8.
I fully understand it might work perfectly at your end , but from our side, we do not support the behavior or results as it could be never tested/verified as at industry level Odd Polynomials are the mostly used.
Hope it helps to clarify the topic.
2024-10-12 7:01 AM - edited 2024-10-12 6:10 PM
Software table methods, 4-bit (64-byte table) and 8-bit (1KB table)
uint32_t crc32k_quick(uint32_t crc, size_t size, uint8_t *buffer)
static const uint32_t crctable[] = { // CRC-32-K nibble table
0x9EA93439,0x1D663B05,0x4F549A1C,0xCC9B9520 }; // sourcer32@gmail.com
crc ^= (uint32_t)*buffer++;
crc = (crc >> 4) ^ crctable[crc & 0xF]; // Process byte, 4-bits at a time
crc = (crc >> 4) ^ crctable[crc & 0xF];
uint32_t crc32k_fast(uint32_t crc, size_t size, uint8_t *buffer)
static const uint32_t crctable[] = { // CRC-32-K byte table
0x8D7C12BE,0x1BE9D674,0x76342B77,0xE0A1EFBD,0xAD8FD171,0x3B1A15BB,0x56C7E8B8,0xC0522C72 }; // sourcer32@gmail.com
crc ^= (uint32_t)*buffer++;
crc = (crc >> (8)) ^ crctable[crc & 0xFF]; // Process byte, 8-bits at a time
2024-10-12 7:43 AM - edited 2024-10-12 7:48 AM
Ok, but LFSR's and CRC methods have been a staple of DfT (Design for Test) / BiST (Built in Self Test) for over 4 decades.
I'm not sure of your CRC implementation here, but it's usually a net of feed back terms and flip-flops, gated by a latched polynomial pattern in this case, it should be able to be validated "by-design". Do you test all the other 2^(32-1) patterns for a polynomial that would be ODD? I'd wager serious money you do not, or come remotely close.
The CRC-24 implementation should be able to provide some robust test-patterns / test-vectors that could be applied at the DESIGN stages to exercise the gate level implementation. And prove robustly that the ODD rule is patently nonsense.
For the CRC-32-K I reversed the polynomial to deal with the left-shifting implementation, and that does make it ODD at the LSB.
But in the case of the 15-bit and 24-bit CRC that I've expressly demonstrated here, all the low order bits of the polynomial registers are zero, as I've left aligned them, whilst the CRC-24 itself is in the form x^24 + ... + 1
Pretty sure I can demonstrate 4 and 5-bit exploits of the hardware too.
Need to dig out an STM32G4
2024-10-12 6:08 PM
Here's 4-bit on a STM32G474RE.. (using 1.5.0)
// This exploits my understanding of the STM32 CRC Hardware
// Tested on a STM32G474RE on a NUCLEO-G474RE
// 4-bit, Right Shifting, x^4 + x^3 + 1 used in the SPARTN protocol
// https://www.spartnformat.org/wp-content/uploads/210928_SPARTN_v2.0.1.pdf#page=34
// Mentioned also at https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/crc/
// Copyright (C) 2024 Clive Turvey (aka Tesla DeLorean, sourcer32@gmail.com)
// All Rights Reserved
void TestCRC4_9R(void) // sourcer32@gmail.com PayPal accepted.. gauge by man-hours saved
uint8_t test1[] = { 0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39 }; // 0x02
uint8_t test2[] = { 0x12,0x34,0x56 }; // 0x9
/* CRC handler declaration */
CRC_HandleTypeDef CrcHandle = {0};
/* CRC Peripheral clock enable */
/*##-1- Configure the CRC peripheral #######################################*/
CrcHandle.Instance = CRC;
/* The default polynomial is not used. It is required to defined it in CrcHandle.Init.GeneratingPolynomial*/
CrcHandle.Init.DefaultPolynomialUse = DEFAULT_POLYNOMIAL_DISABLE; // ST double-negative, use user supplied
/* Set the value of the polynomial */
CrcHandle.Init.GeneratingPolynomial = 0x9 << (32 - 4); // 4-bit CRC-4-9R, bit reversed 0x00000009, hw left shifts, always
/* The user-defined generating polynomial generates a 32-bit long CRC */
CrcHandle.Init.CRCLength = CRC_POLYLENGTH_32B;
/* The default init value is not used */
CrcHandle.Init.DefaultInitValueUse = DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE_DISABLE; // ST double-negative
/* The used-defined initialization value */
CrcHandle.Init.InitValue = 0; // 32-bit all clear
/* The input data is inverted (bit-reversed) */
CrcHandle.Init.InputDataInversionMode = CRC_INPUTDATA_INVERSION_BYTE; // Bit swap byte end-to-end
/* The output data is inverted (bit-reversed)*/
CrcHandle.Init.OutputDataInversionMode = CRC_OUTPUTDATA_INVERSION_ENABLE;// Bit swap word end-to-end
/* The input data are 8-bit long */
if (HAL_CRC_Init(&CrcHandle) != HAL_OK)
/* Initialization Error */
Error_Handler(__FILE__, __LINE__);
/* The hardware spins end-to-end, 4-bits will be in least significant bits, shouldn't need to mask
as the polynomial adds no bits down there as it consumes the bytes */
printf("CRC-4-9R %1X TEST1 2 ?\n", HAL_CRC_Calculate(&CrcHandle, (uint32_t *)test1, sizeof(test1)) & 0xF);
printf("CRC-4-9R %1X TEST2 9 ?\n", HAL_CRC_Calculate(&CrcHandle, (uint32_t *)test2, sizeof(test2)) & 0xF);
2024-10-12 9:07 PM - edited 2024-10-12 9:08 PM
This code shows a surprisingly poor understanding of how the hardware works.
It will break my 4, 15, 17 and 24-bit CRC methods. Which work on the G4 with the V1.5.0 release
Given the fixed, left-shifting implementation of the hardware, the non-standard word lengths need to left align the polynomial, which by it's nature will make bit zero clear.
I'm not arguing that the polynomials don't take the form x^n + ... + 1, but rather that bit 0 in the POL register doesn't need to 1 when n != 7,8,16,32, and that I can do 4-bit CRC's with a 32-bit accumulator
4-bit, right shifting, x^4 + x^3 + 1
32-bit, right shifting, x^32 + x^30 + x^29 + x^28 + x^26 + x^20 + x^19 + x^17 + x^16 + x^15 + x^11 + x^10 + x^7 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + x^1 + 1
24-bit, left shifting, x^24+ x^23+ x^18+ x^17+ x^14+ x^11+ x^10+ x^7+ x^6+ x^5+ x^4+ x^3+ x+1
17-bit, left-shifting, x^17 + x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + x^6 + x^4 + x^3 + x^1 + 1
The odds of these working by happenstance is incredibly low..
2024-10-13 5:55 AM
The feed-back path is 32-bit, the data always shifts left, the mixers optionally reverse / "invert" their data paths, allowing to simulate left/right shifting and msb/lsb insertion of the byte (as configured)
Now with non-normal sizes we can only inject bytes, you can't process 5 or 13 bits, for example, but you can have 3 or 13-bit CRC's. Configuration would allow for word insertion, but I think endian issues will still be frustrating.