2015-10-19 9:27 AM
In all previous STM32F756G-EVAL LwIP raw API application examples of STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.1.0 library but also on the new STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.2.0 library, the examples of raw API LwIP contain the define #define FreeRTOS in file syscalls.c which in turn does some conditional compiling. Yet these examples do not use FreeRTOS !! These are the LwIP HTTP Server Raw, TCP Echo Client, TCP Echo Server, UDP Echo Client, UDP Echo Srever, TFTP Server. My question is this, can we safely ignore this define, leave the source as it is and assume that this define is on-purpose put there (although these examples do not use FreeRTOS)? Or should we remove the define since these examples do not use FreeRTOS and has been placed there by mistake? Would be happy to see an answer from someone who can shed some light here. Christos2015-10-21 1:44 AM
Hi Christos,
In fact, the “syscalls.c� file is a generic file for GNU libc. So if it contains the FreeRTOS define this doesn’t mean that examples must use the RTOS.-Syrine –