2016-02-11 01:07 AM
the search button does not work for ''This list:STM32''. Could you please fix this? (If I enter e. g. I2C and press search, then it will not find anything. With ''This list: Microcontrollers'' it works ... but I need it for STM32).2016-02-11 05:11 AM
Hi bil.til,
I am checking the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience it may bring.-Syrine-2016-02-18 01:58 AM
It appears to be restored.
I deliberately didn't use ''fixed'', as it is still fundamentally broken (e.g. searching for ''search'' did not include this very thread before I posted), but so is the whole forum software. JW2016-02-18 11:46 AM
Search engine functionality is hit or miss, and access to the forum in general is spotty at best. I get dizzy every day watching the little spinning icon for minutes at a time. Who knows - maybe the site is hosted on Hillary's home server. Something needs to be done to speed up access, though.
2016-02-18 12:49 PM
I think that's just Microsoft's way of showing you it is doing a lot of important work and you're getting value for money. Either that or it is bloody awfully coded, which I lean toward, who after all would create forum software that works worse than examples from 20 years ago, and doesn't work with mobile?
Back in the day InstallShield inserted all kinds of delays in the installer because if it wooshed to 100% too quickly people thought nothing was being done.2016-02-18 11:33 PM
But if you consider to change the forum, please do not forget to keep all the old information.
All in all this STM32 forum is the best forum I know in Internet... (microcontroller.net also very nice). ARM Keil just re-designed their forum and threw out the ''extended help'' functionality ... VERY helpful :(.2016-02-19 04:10 AM
From a technical perspective none of the people internally like the way the forums works, they were looking to migrate, and I made some suggestions, I'm just not sure where that plan went.
It is at least tolerable at the moment, and I understand the flaws/traps, but still occasionally get a post eaten. I haven't used search here in a long time, preferring just to use Google at a web or site level, as the forum is heavily spidered.One of my biggest annoyances is the inability to go a user page a see their post history. I can see mine, but that doesn't really help me, I'm intimately familiar with those.The lack of any moderation functions, ie delete, move, combine, split. Anywhere else I'd probably be a moderator, but honestly not being one gives me more freedom to actually speak my mind without an official looking hat on.Anyway, in all previous migrations threads have been transferred. I guess that would depend now on any other vendor being able to mine and reformat the mess that Microsoft has made of things.