2017-09-13 12:15 AM
I want to know if we have pin to pin replacement for #STM32F407VGT6 with higher RAM and Flash memory. #STM32F407VGT6 has 1MB of flash and 192 KB RAM but we are running out of space in both areas and hence looking for controller which can replace it without any other hardware change.
Please help!
2017-09-13 2:08 AM
Check out STM32F427VIT6
2017-09-13 9:26 AM
Hi JW,
Thanks for reply.
STM32F427VIT6 has 256 Kbytes of RAM. Do you see any controller with pin to pin mapping having more RAM than this?
Thanks once again!
2017-09-13 9:43 AM
The 'F7 are very incompatible in QFP100.
The 'F413 has a QFP100 almost-compatible package, you'd need to retrace one pin; there might be functional differences too.
Consider using external memories or try to rethink your application to reduce memory need.
2017-09-13 9:54 AM
How much memory do you actually need? If someone did a poor job estimating the complexity and footprint of the design, you'd perhaps want to revisit it all with some clarity and thought, and consider if what you've built thus far can be refactored to run within the limits of the hardware chosen.
2017-09-14 7:13 AM
Thanks Clive and JW. My current application need is already exceeding 200KB of RAM and to be on safer side I am looking for RAM with size around 300 KB. I will revisit my requirements as you mentioned and see if I can reduce memory need.
Thanks guys!