2013-09-15 6:17 AM
Does STM32F103XX series have a pin compatibility with STM32F105xx, 107xx and 207xx ? Any ideas will be appreciated, Thanks2013-09-15 7:25 AM
The pin compatibility of various STM32 family parts is generally quite good, but attention needs to be paid to supply pins, and regulator caps. There are a handful of pins you'd want to be able to strap high/low depending on which part/foot-print is being used.
These topics get some coverage in the Data Manuals, and app notes, and can perhaps be visualized in tools like thehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF251717
2013-09-15 10:59 PM
You might also want to have a glimpse at ''AN3427 Migrating applications from STM32F1 series to STM32F2 series''
JW2013-09-26 6:47 AM
2013-09-27 5:37 AM
I have STM32F1xx board, is it possible for me to use STM32F2xx painlessly ?
That depends on how considered the original design was, particularly the supply/vcap pins, and perhaps the strapping of a few other. I have a design using an F2, a simple BOM change permits F1 or F4 placement.2013-10-09 8:05 AM