2008-10-30 10:33 PM
Peripherals interfacing
2011-05-17 03:50 AM
I am using STM32F microcontroller. I have a query related peripherals interfacing with MCU. Question: How do I interface 8-bit peripheral chips like MT8980 (Digital Crosspoint Switch), M34116 (PCM Conference Chip), etc with the STM32F103ZET6 MCU? In the memory mapping diagram, there are FSMC banks used for memory mapping. Kindly tell me what should I do for the I/O mapping at which address locations? reply as soon as possible. regards, S.A.Basit2011-05-17 03:50 AM
The signal interfaceing should be straight forward. Address - Address, and Data - Data, nOE, nWE, etc.
As regards the address map, it is quite simple really. Depending on which chip select line you use for your peripheral (FSMC_NE1 / FSMC_NE2 / FSMC_NE3 / FSMC_NE4), it will be accessable at 0x60000000, 0x64000000, 0x68000000, or 0x6C000000. Your device will appear in Bank 1 (NOR/PSRAM). You must set up the FSMC timings as appropriate to your peripheral. Refer to , Section 18.4, for further detail.