2009-11-16 7:54 AM
NVIC_SystemReset and IWDG on Keil MCBSTM32
2011-05-17 4:22 AM
Hi all, I posted this a mounth ago but nobody answered.
I still have the same problem and I'm seriously considering switching to another microcontrolloer/environment. I'm using the keil MCBSTM32 demoboard (F103RB micro) and I'm coding with the latest std_periph lib (V3.1.0 - 06/19/2009) with keil uVision 3 V3.85 and ULINK-Me. The board is powered from both the usb cable and the ULINK (ULINK is not supposed to power the board, but I've seen that even if the main usb power cabe is diabled the board is powered with just the ULINK connected). The indipendent watchdog doesn't seems to work properly if the debugger is running. All seems ok if the debugger and ulink are off or if debugger is on and I repeatedly press the debugger reset button. From the board schematics, the NRST pin is connected to both the board reset button AND the jtag connector. Also, in this unclear situation, the undocumented function NVIC_SystemReset (taken from some FLASH protection example) does not works (it seems to block on the while(1) infinite cycle waiting for reset after setting the NVIC_SYSRESETREQ bit. Any hint ??2011-05-17 4:22 AM
I guess you would see problems like this if the ULINK-Me was actively driving the nRST pin high. However I doubt it because that would be a serious design flaw. Your STM32's nRST pin itself might be broken of course.
2011-05-17 4:22 AM
Hi Andreas,
1) NVIC_SystemReset I have the same problem with a new Ulink2 on two different samples of Keil MCBSTM32 and one STM32F120X-128K-EVAL boards... 2) IWDG does not reset during debug (seems ok wehen Jtag not connected) Same as above. I'm out of ideas and I'm currently working on another code part of the project but I'll have to solve these two issues sooner or later...2011-05-17 4:22 AM
I get the same thing. IWDGRST doesn't work with SWD which makes it very hard to program behavior after a watchdog reset.
Also, NVIC reset doesn't work while debugging. If either of these behaviors is a settable option, I'd love to find the setting.