2015-01-10 6:09 AM
Could be I created a recursive post here. What is the Nucleo standing for?
2015-01-16 5:35 AM
Other resources on this page: http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/LN1847.-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2015-01-16 5:56 AM
Other resources on this page: http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/LN1847. Perhaps I got it wrong, but that doesn't answer the question. To add my 2 cents, IMHO ''Nucleo'' is just a marketing buzzword, to distinguish oneself from competitors - like the name of car models. It must just be different and unique in the industry branch, to allow for registering and protection (''branding''). It is probably futile to search for any deeper meaning ...
2015-01-16 8:01 AM
Yes, probably sounded good in the meeting, just be thankful a far lamer name wasn't chosen.
Likely looking for a name with an 'O' at the end. Intel has a Galileo board, which ironically is also the name of a european navigation satellite system, that put some of it's birds in the WRONG orbit.