2016-08-29 2:04 AM
I have a following problem, I have a Nucleo f429zi board and after ST-link removal I am unable to run code on it. I've chcecked the solder bridges, I'm using SWO - the debbuging seems to be fine, the cpu is stuck on '' if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK)'' I've even tried soldering the oscillator and caps to the ''x3'' space as the MCO is gone, since I removed the ST-link.Here is the configuration (it is the default one):http://pastebin.com/KbhfhiSkI'm trying to run a simplest code - toggle the LED. Now, i don't know if the problem is related to hardware or something is wrong with my SW4stm32. Is this a problem with the HSE? If I download blinking LED *.bin from the Mbed platform and flash it to the board it starts up fine... maybe it is using only LSE? Please help, thanks in advance.2016-09-22 4:27 AM
Hi zyx.zxy,
If the NUCLEO board is supplied by USB cable U5V (ST-Link VBUS) [JP3 in the middle position) it is normal that when you disconnect the cable you are not able tho run. In case, board is supplied by external power supply VIN or E5V, it remains possible to user ST-Link for programming or debugging only, but it is mandatory to power the board first using VIN or E5V, then to connect the USB cable to the PC. In this way the enumeration will succeed, thanks to the external power source. Refere to the User manual of Nucleo board for further information (Jumper, using procedures..). For the oscilator configuration , ensure that th clock source is the HSE and not HSE_bypass . Check the hardware implimentation of the HSE on the user manual. -Hannibal-