2016-04-25 10:16 AM
I am using STM32F030 for my product. The GPIOs are configured as input and are connected to touch ICs. Sometimes on some boards i observe noise on the input pins. I connected the pin to scope and i see the line continuously fluctuating. My knowledge to hardware is limited. I have no idea why it behaves this way. My hardware engineer is not able explain the behavior. I have 12 GPIO inputs connected to such ICs but only one or two behaves like this. That too not on all the boards. My GPIO init isGPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_13;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);
plz help..!!
2016-04-25 10:26 AM
And is this coming from the Touch IC, rather than the STM32? Does it go away if you enable the pull up/down?
2016-04-25 10:29 AM
Yes its coming from touch ic.
I have not enabled pull up/down. I will check that.2016-04-25 10:48 AM
Hi yafis.mohamed,
I recommend the application note'' Guidelines for designing touch sensing applications with surface sensors'' wich will be your support when developping using
2016-04-25 10:55 AM
No. Enabling pull up/down is not stopping it.
Thanks!!!2016-04-25 11:31 AM
Any other suggestions?
May be the touch ic is behaving weird. But this only happens to one or two. Rest all work fine.Thanks..!!!2016-04-25 12:04 PM
I don't know, I have no familiarity with your design.
If you remove the other IC does that fix it, how about if you replace it?2016-04-26 2:07 AM
2016-06-01 7:09 AM
Hi. Sorry for the late response.
I too believe it is not the issue with STM32.The touch ic i am using is a auto-calibrating one. The part number is TTP223B.This behavior is observed after some time of power-on, like after a couple of hours.Thanks..!!2016-06-04 5:29 PM
It's very hard to know what's wrong without having the full schematic and pcb layout. However, I would suggest two things:
1) Try to change the IC. If it's behaving strangely after a few hours of usage, it might be faulty. Also, veryify that you're not using it out of the recommended operating conditions, as specified in the datasheet. Having a faulty IC isn't very likely, though. 2) Maybe you have a component which is affected by a temperature rise on your board and leads to high noise. But since I don't have more information on your design, I really can't know. You should also try using this IC with other MCUs, with an arduino, etc., and see in which conditions the phenomenon occurs. PS: a picture of this ''fluctuation'' would be handy.