2012-09-06 1:29 PM
Is there any real documentation for StdPeriph_Lib? The closest thing I can find is a file called ''stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib_um.chm'' which is very incomplete. I found a chinese blog that has an old copy of chapter 10 of an older file labeled UM0427, but STM doesn't seem to have it in their documentation anymore.
There is absolutely no documentation for how to use functions like GPIO_Init(), and no explanation of what the options are. If I set GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP; What does this do? The .chm file tells me that GPIO_Mode_AF_PP has a value of 0x28, but doesn't explain how the pin will function. #stm32-documentation-feedback2012-09-06 2:03 PM
The reference manuals, specific part data manuals, and GPIO pin diagram should provide you with some foundational context.
The library code simply hides the bit level register abstraction. Such HAL libraries are quite similar to those of other vendors. The target is commercial programmers familiar with porting to different platforms, and less toward beginners. The source and examples should provide additional material to work from. The documentation is admittedly rather thin, last I looked the CHM was basically a mechanical extraction of comments from the source. The PDF cited relates to the original F1 series parts, the GPIO function and Alternate Function multiplexing have changed quite significantly since then.