2016-10-03 6:55 PM
I am quite familiar with the AVR microcontrollers and the Arduino framework but a complete noob in STM32s. I've already asked a few questions about STM32s on another forum, but I think it's not really enough. Here's a few questions that I want to ask first:1. How am I supposed to program an STM32? I am interested in the ''native'' way of programming an STM32 (not with Arduino)2. Which development board should I use? By far I only know that the Maple board from Leaflabs is STM32 centered and Arduino framework compatible. Are Nucleo boards good? 3. What software/IDE/hardware should I have in order to use an STM32? any help would be appreciated,thank you :)2016-10-04 1:20 AM
Hi hu.richard,
Welcome to STM32 community.1.How am I supposed to program an STM32? I am interested in the ''native'' way of programming an STM32 (not with Arduino)I recommend you to download the which is a graphical software configuration tool that allows generating C initialization code using graphical wizards2.Which development board should I use? By far I only know that the Maple board from Leaflabs is STM32 centered and Arduino framework compatible. Are Nucleo boards good? As novice user, I recommend you to use STM32 Nucelo board is a low-cost and easy-to-use development platform used to quickly evaluate and start a development with an STM32I'd highly recommend you also to have a look to these two documents, they provide guidelines on how to build and run a sample application around the STM32 Nucleo board.••3.What software/IDE/hardware should I have in order to use an STM32? STMicroelectronics STM32 families of 32-bit ARM® Cortex® -M core-based microcontrollers are supported by a complete range of software tools:•EWARM toolchain•Keil MDK-ARM toolchain•The System Workbench toolchain, called , is a free multi-OS software development environment based on Eclipse, which supports the full range of STM32 microcontrollers and associated boards.-Syrine-2016-10-08 6:47 PM
Hi Syrine,
Thank you for the reply!I have a problem with running STM32cubemx on Mac OS X. It says that I need to install java runtime environment 1.7 or newer. But I already installed Java 1.8 and re-installed but it still doesn't work. Any ideas how to fix it?What is the difference between all the toolchain software that you listed and stm32cubemx?What kind of programming would I be doing in these IDE? Does they include a high-level programming framework/library by default or they need you to include them your selves? (I would like to know about this because I don't really want to do low-level programming with this kind of unfamiliar & complex microcontrollers : )