2009-05-26 5:56 PM
New Lib v 3.0.0 don't support C++?
2011-05-17 4:12 AM
In new Library v.3.0.0 startup file doesn't correctly works with cpp projects (IAR IDE) ?
''when any interrupt is generated, the pointer comes in asm interrupt implementation (startup_stm32f10x_xd.s) and remains there, and don't jump into my interrupt handler (stm32f10x_it.c)''2011-05-17 4:12 AM
Try compiling with the option extension based. its due to name decoration when using c++
2011-05-17 4:12 AM
On 25-05-2009 at 10:22, Anonymous wrote: Try compiling with the option extension based. its due to name decoration when using c++ I try this way, but it didn't works. Problem with the interrupts is still actual.2011-05-17 4:12 AM
My problem is that I don't have a stm32f10x_it.c file in my project, or, as far as I can see included in any of the files used in it.
I can't find the vector table, or the interrupt handlers. If I brouse to the pgmfiles\raisonance\ride\lib\arm\stm32f10x_lib\examples, I can find such files, but I can't see any #include directives to get my own one for the project, and yet I presume the main.c main routine is entered by a jump from a vector table reset address. I want to identify this clearly.. so I can get on with my project. :o