2016-05-06 10:44 AM
I wanna use the .NET Micro Framework on STM32F429 discovery board. The STM32F429I_Discovery_NETMF_Package\NETMF_Binary_Image contains the NETMF binary image which consists of three hex files that should be loaded using STLINK Utility into the STM32F429 Discovery board. now I have 2 questions:1- which .hex file should I program on st?2- when I try to program each one by ''ST Visual Programmer'', after I load .hex file, it give me an error:Error : FILE : line 1: Not in Intel Hex format!Error : < File loading failed.I am pleased if any one help me. #plays-for-sure2016-05-06 12:15 PM
Not many NETMF'ers around here, the files in question are from over two year ago.
The files are not Intel Hex but rather Motorola Hex, use the ST-LINK utilities as suggested in the instructions and not STVP. Write all three onto a blank device as directed, they are different components of the same system.The best place for NETMF support is currently throughhttps://www.ghielectronics.com/
and their forum.https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum
2016-05-06 10:07 PM
allthree onto a blank device as directed''
I found st utility, but when I program 3 files, nothing happen! first I erase chip then I open each one and select program! after I program three files, I disconnect and connect USB cable and nothing happen! I check device manager too, it just detect st-link...
2016-05-07 12:27 AM
the problem is solved! I have to connect ''USER USB'' after program files.
now I have another problem with .NET discovery driver. the drivers in st site is for win 32bit. but my windows is 64 bit! is there any solution?in ''GHI electronics'' most of their discussion is about .NET and I didn't find any about stm32f429 discovery drivers.
2016-05-07 8:07 AM
Yeah, you'll actually have to plug it into the USB connector attached to the F429 rather than the F103 providing the ST-LINK functionality.
GHI has their own boards, but if there are people that understand NETMF they will be there and not here. Their boards are relatively cheap too, consider if they are appropriate for your experiments.I'm not sure the NETMF or Java platforms that ST ported have any real traction in the market place. Like I said it's from over two years ago and remains at V1.0.0, pretty indicative it's DOA in terms of uptake and support.If you want to use NETMF you're going to need to get wise to how it works and what requirements it has, and be somewhat self sustaining.Is the driver specific to the STM32 or more generic in nature? I don't know, it's not a platform I use. You might find people on the GHI forum who can provide consultancy services.