2015-07-21 04:07 AM
I have read through a couple of posts that clive1 has made regarding phase shifts in toggle mode. I need 120º shifts between each of the 3 PWM channels. I get 120º shift between channel 1 and 2, but anything more than 30º shift between channel 2 and 3 the PWM flatlines. The code I use: TimerPeriod = (SystemCoreClock / 22500); Channel1Pulse = (TimerPeriod / 6); Channel2Pulse = (TimerPeriod / 6) + ((TimerPeriod * 2) / 3); Channel3Pulse = (TimerPeriod / 6) + ((TimerPeriod * 3) / 3); /* Time Base configuration */ TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = 0; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = TimerPeriod - 1; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_RepetitionCounter = 0; TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM1, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure); /* Channel 1, 2,3 and 4 Configuration in Toggle mode */ TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCMode = TIM_OCMode_Toggle; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputNState = TIM_OutputNState_Enable; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCPolarity = TIM_OCPolarity_High; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCNPolarity = TIM_OCNPolarity_High; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCIdleState = TIM_OCIdleState_Set; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCNIdleState = TIM_OCIdleState_Reset; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = Channel1Pulse; TIM_OC1Init(TIM1, &TIM_OCInitStructure); TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = Channel2Pulse; TIM_OC2Init(TIM1, &TIM_OCInitStructure); TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = Channel3Pulse; TIM_OC3Init(TIM1, &TIM_OCInitStructure); Images to illustrate what happens: Shift of 30º - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9k0m1UMqSODdEdLYnpERWpLeEk Shift of anything more - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9k0m1UMqSODc0NvZUxuVDV3b0U